Our Activities


To train and develop duty conscious inculcate disciplined and better driving habits among the dirver community of the member companies and also create road safety atmosphere among general public for safer driving.


Rehabilitation of Road Accident Victims, Providing Medical assistance, Conducting periodic AIDS Awareness programes along with counselling, Conducting Road Shows and frequent programmes for the benefit of Drivers and Cleaners, Conducting regular Mega Health Check-Up Camps benefiting more than 2000 persons yearly extending financial assistance to persons for their treatment, care and medical expenses for Rehabilitation.


Extending a helping hand to the affected people in times of Major Calmities like Floods, Earthquake, Tsunami other natural disasters and war like situations. Member Companies of the Association and the Trust have contributed Financial Assistance, Medical and Clothing etc to the affected people. Apart from these contributions, Trucks were made available Free of Cost for the transportation of relief materials to the affected areas.


Every year, the Turst gives Sholoarships to childen of our member's staff. The initative started with just 7 students for Rs.16,000/- has grown over period and in 2016 close to 300 students received scholarship to tune of Rs. 9,24,000/-. Conducted Training Programmes in Marketing and Administration for Middle Managment. Conducting Work Shops and Seminars on Personality Development, Leadership Skills and Communication Skills for Senior Management.


Start a Driver Training Centre. Rehabiitation of Road Accident Victims in a Major way. Introduce Pension Scheme to the Widows of Road Accident Victims. Increase Free Medical Assistance to cover more people. Give Free Education to children of Road Accident Victims. Above all in live with government initiative start work on a logistics park with all provisions.